
  • Olexandr Akimkin Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University



private education, private educational institutions, public initiatives


The article reveals the leading factors in the development of private education in Ukraine in the second half of the XIX - early XX century. It was found that the second half of XIX - early XX century becomes a period not only of social, scientific, national revival, but also a period of rapid development of private education. The purpose of the article is to reveal the leading factors in the development of private education in Ukraine in the second half of the XIX - early XX century. The historical-logical method made it possible to determine the socio-political and social features of social development and their impact on the development of private education in Ukraine in this historical period; constructive-genetic method made it possible to determine the socio-historical and cultural-pedagogical prerequisites for the development of private education in Ukraine in the second half of the XIX - early XX century and others. The leading area of implementation of pedagogical innovations in this period was a private school, which was explained by the strict legal regulation of the state educational system and at the same time the lack of real steps by the government to modernize it. The key innovations of the pedagogical concept in the innovative activities of a private institution were: the priority of the pupil's personality, the integration of family and school, increasing the requirements for the teacher, who must act as the personification of an active and creative personality. It is established that the leading factors in the development of private education in Ukraine in the second half of the XIX - early XX century were: the presence of legislative regulation of private education; establishment of public-state character of organizational bases of their activity; manifestation of public initiative in the opening of private educational institutions; taking into account in the organizational and substantive aspects of the activities of private schools the social and economic needs of the country's development.


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Author Biography

Olexandr Akimkin, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University

graduate student of the Department of Pedagogy and Education Management, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID:


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How to Cite

Akimkin, O. (2020). DEVELOPMENT OF PRIVATE EDUCATION IN UKRAINE: SECOND HALF OF XIX-EARLY XX CENTURY. Pedagogy and Education Management Review, (1), 4–12.

