Earth's atmospheric envelope, environmental pollution, intensive traffic, ecological problem, population health issues, suburban areas, sanitary conditionsAbstract
The possibilities of human impact on nature are constantly growing and have already reached a level where humans can devastate the planet, destroy all living beings, and completely alter the climate. High levels of pollution are characteristic of areas around regional centers in Ukraine, especially in the suburban zone of industrially developed Kyiv. The higher the pollution level, the greater the risk to the health of the population and the state of the environment. Long-term pollution of the atmospheric air with sulfur dioxide, carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides, and other harmful substances negatively affects human health. This can result in an increase in overall morbidity caused by damage to specific organs and body systems, such as respiratory diseases (pneumonia, bronchial asthma, and other non-specific lung diseases) and cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, myocardial infarction, chronic diseases, etc.). The purpose of the article is to identify negative factors that affect the worsening of the environmental situation in the country and individual regions. The main task of my work is the analysis of negative changes in the ecological state of Boyarka and advocacy of possible ways to improve the ecological situation in the city. This study also shows the importance of chemistry as a science in the understanding and development of current environmental problems of our time. On the basis of a systemic approach, the tasks of creating ecologically safe living conditions for the population of suburban areas of the city were solved by conducting noise protection measures. Experimental studies were carried out using modern acoustic measuring devices "Octava-101" and "Ekofizika-Octava". Data processing involved the use of mathematical statistical methods. Mathematical and statistical methods were used to assess the reliability of experimental results. The main results of the article were the measures (economic, legal, urban planning, etc.) to solve the environmental problems of the city of Boyarka.
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