linguistic description, aspect of term formation, Ukrainian terminology of sugar production, terms and phrases of sugar productionAbstract
The article is devoted to the linguistic description of the modern Ukrainian terminology of sugar production in the aspect of term formation. Terms and phrases of sugar production are analyzed according to such a criterion as the number of components. Models of two-component terms-phrases are considered. Based on the results of a sample of two-component terms-phrases, it was found that in the texts on sugar production, these terms constitute the most numerous group and are the most productive. This structural type is represented by the following models: "adjective + noun in the nominative case" (Adj + N n. c.); " participle + noun in the nominative case" (Part + N n. c.); "noun in the nominative case + noun in the genitive case" (N n. c. + N g. c.); "numeral + noun in the nominative case" (Num + N n. c.); "noun in the nominative case + preposition in + noun in the local case" (N n. c. + in + N l.c.); "noun in the nominative case + preposition with + noun in the genitive case" (N n. c. + with + N g. c.); "noun in the nominative case + preposition with + noun in the instrumental case" (N n. c. + with + N i. c.); "noun in the nominative case + preposition from + noun in the genitive case" (N n. c. + from + N g. c.); "noun in the nominative case + preposition in + noun in the accusative case" (N n. c. + in + N a.c.); "noun in the nominative case + adjective" (N n. c. + Adj); "noun in the nominative case + numeral" (N n. c. + Num); "noun in the nominative case + preposition on + noun in the local case" (N n. c. + on + N l. c.); "noun in the nominative case + noun in the dative case" (N n. c. + N d. c.); "a noun in the nominative case + a noun in the instrumental case" (N n. c. + N i. c.). The most productively used is attributive model «adjective + noun in the nominative case" (Adj + N n. c.), which is formed on the basis of the genus-species relationship, i.e., a definition is added to the term, which is a generic concept, representing types of the concept and specifies the generic. The terms of this model serve as expressions of lexical paradigmatic relations in the term system, in particular antonyms. Substantive two-component models "noun in the nominative case + noun in the genitive case" (N + N g. c.), "participle + noun in the nominative case" are also productive. A small number of terms are presented by models of prepositional and prepositional structures. Two-component syntactic constructions can be replaced by single words, most often composites, as a result of linguistic economy. So, among the analyzed two-component structural models, the models "adjective + noun in the nominative case" and "noun in the nominative case + noun in the genitive case" and "participle + noun in the nominative case" dominate. Other structural models are less productive.
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