young generation, patriotism, works of art, Ukrainian literatureAbstract
The article is devoted to the search for ways of forming patriotism in the younger generation by means of Ukrainian literature. The necessity of implementing the experience of forming patriotism of previous historical periods was noted, which involved wide application in the educational process of the concept of a hero as an example for imitation, a means of forming patriotism, moral and ethical values of the Ukrainian nation. It has been proven that the national hero of the passionate type, devoid of ideological, colorless, denationalized Soviet-type patriotism, found vivid coverage in artistic works, has a special didactic, educational, methodical value today. The program for general educational institutions on Ukrainian literature for grades 5-9, aimed at forming a citizen - patriot of Ukraine, was analyzed. General didactic and specific requirements for a modern textbook on Ukrainian literature are considered. It has been established that the methodological apparatus of a modern textbook on Ukrainian literature should be aimed at forming the creative abilities of schoolchildren and their emotional and value sphere, which is facilitated by: the use of phonorecords of folk songs and examples of national and world classical music; reproductions of paintings and artistic illustrations; inclusion in textbooks of texts of high aesthetic and moral and ethical value, as well as tasks that involve the active involvement of schoolchildren in multifaceted analysis and interested discussion of the information contained in them; the organization of students' understanding of the life path, personal traits of the most outstanding figures of national and world history and culture; the use in textbooks of characters who bear an expressive exemplary and personal attitude to the surrounding world. Emphasis is placed on the urgency of developing a critical thinker in the younger generation, which is characterized by openness to doubt, independence and flexibility.
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