WEB technologies, training of chemistry teachers, education, informatization of education, pupils, students, computer training, knowledge controlAbstract
The article examines the theoretical foundations of using web technologies in the training of chemistry teachers. The factors of preparation of future chemistry teachers for the use of WEB technologies during distance learning have been determined. The use of educational WEB-resources enables teachers to carry out purposeful and more effective interaction with students, organize individual educational work, introduce and deepen methodical materials from educational subjects. An analysis of the theoretical works of domestic and foreign scientists was carried out, which indicates that in the context of the study of the quality of education, there is no unambiguous methodology for the development of WEB-oriented educational systems. The use of WEB technologies is growing significantly in all spheres of human life, in particular, this applies to the sphere of education. One of the main reasons for teachers' intensive attention to the problem of implementing WEB technologies is the convenience and ease of use of existing tools for finding, creating, and using educational WEB resources. Using educational WEB resources, it is possible to greatly increase the effectiveness of the educational process, to activate the educational and cognitive and independent activities of students. In the process of his activity, the teacher has to solve tasks related to the search for available educational WEB resources, analyzing them for the feasibility of using them in the educational process and creating his own. First of all, this affects the chemistry teacher, since his profession is closely related to the use of WEB technologies. Chemistry teachers can use WEB resources for distance learning, in class and in extracurricular work. The introduction of WEB technologies into the educational process requires the development and practical use of scientific and methodological support, the creation and effective use of tools and systems of computer training and knowledge control, the systematic integration of these technologies into existing educational processes and organizational structures.
Computer technologies in teaching natural sciences in school URL: %8F_9.pdf
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