individual educational trajectory, SMART goals, professional teachers training, teacher learning, digital technologyAbstract
Young people often face the problem of a lack of formed skills in independent learning activities, setting achievable goals, and having the ability to choose methods, forms, and means of training. They often have insufficiently developed the ability to reflect on personal achievements and take responsibility for decisions made. This actualizes the need for individual training and development of their educational path. The article aims to analyze the construction of the IET to realize a particular educational trajectory as a skill of a modern teacher. To achieve the goal, theoretical methods of scientific knowledge were used: terminological analysis to clarify the research thesaurus, content analysis, and detailed comparison of the construction of an individual training plan for implementing a particular educational trajectory. The authors discuss the fragmented nature of scientific findings and their implications for developing a customized curriculum. They introduce the concept of an individual plan and highlight the importance of teachers establishing realistic objectives. The paper offers general recommendations for effectively setting goals when designing a personalized curriculum, suggesting creating a specific educational path. It comprehensively explains the process involved in developing a unique curriculum and implementing a personalized academic trajectory. The authors clearly explain SMART goals, which are defined as specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. They emphasize that SMART goals should include observable indicators, a well-balanced timeframe for achievement, and criteria for assessing student progress. The practical significance of the work is in justifying the recommendation to follow the idea of individualized learning, which will contribute to the formation of skills of independent activity, as well as awareness of learning goals, increasing responsibility for their learning. The article opens directions for further research. These are using digital technologies and tools for individual professional training; implementation of professional development courses for teachers, coaches, and tutors on the development of SMART goals when developing unique training programs or personal development.
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