pedagogical practice, distance learning, art, students, online learning technologies, future art teacher competencies, higher education institutionAbstract
The article addresses the issue of organizing pedagogical (educational and vocational) practice for students of the Faculty of Arts at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University in a distance learning format. The aim of the article is to reveal the specifics of organizing the pedagogical practice for students of artistic specialties at the Faculty of Arts of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University in a distance format. The research employed a range of general scientific and pedagogical methods to ensure objectivity and comprehensiveness, including: literature analysis on the research problem to determine the state of its development and research prospects; comparison to examine different scholars' perspectives; systematization and generalization for drawing conclusions; observation of the educational process and analysis of the results of pedagogical practice undertaken by students of artistic specialties to assess the effectiveness of using the distance learning format. The author discusses the changes in the content of pedagogical practice for future teachers and highlights the factors that contribute to its organization in a distance learning format, including the development of a set of methodological recommendations for student interns (practice content by types of activities, guidelines for report preparation and submission, provision of documentation samples), identification of communication messengers for interaction with practice supervisors, students' mastery of online learning technologies - a set of educational technologies (developmental, project-based, blended, differentiated learning, etc.), as well as information and communication (digital) technologies for creating, compiling, storing, and accessing electronic educational resources that facilitate the implementation of distance learning processes. The organization of practice involves regular interaction between online learning participants during classes and consultations conducted online, ensuring the transmission of video, audio, graphic, and textual information in synchronous and asynchronous modes.
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