professional training, legal culture, future economists, peculiarities of legal culture, economic sphere, professional activity of an economist, preparation of bachelorsAbstract
The article covers modern requirements for the preparation of economists (high professionalism, perfect knowledge of the latest information technologies, high level of intelligence, knowledge, abilities, skills, high level of personality development, professional mobility and adaptation to the world information space). The purpose of the article is to develop a toolkit for training future specialists in the context of the formation of their legal culture. It is disclosed that the specific requirements for employees of the economic sphere are determined by the functional duties of a specialist at a certain workplace. Their differences are determined by different goals and conditions of work. In qualification requirements, these differences are reflected in the three levels of professional training of economists in higher education institutions (the first characterizes knowledge for solving official issues and tasks in accordance with current regulations, instructions, rules; the second requires a specialist's ability and ability in solving professional tasks to put into operation methods of non-standard approaches in accordance with the dynamics of real conditions, the third characterizes the ability of professionals on the basis of the knowledge, skills and skills creatively to solve service issues and the task, to see and formulate new problems, to find the original ways of their solution). It has been established that an important aspect for the professional activity of an economist is analytical (related to research, comprehension and evaluation of certain situations) and practical aspects (making rational decisions and their implementation). The reasons for updating the necessity of changes in the preparation of bachelors (establishing the need to change the strategy and tactics of building basic educational programs and individual educational paths of bachelors in modern high school, a new understanding of the methodological importance of basic disciplines in the field of professional activity and the area of knowledge, etc.) are systematized. It is inserted that along with a set of knowledge, skills, abilities and professional qualities important for an economist, the future specialist should have a certain system of knowledge, skills and qualities related to the solution of legal issues. It is proved that the level of the formation of a legal culture, the personal convictions of future economists depends on the manifestation or absence of manifestation, corporate, and in some cases national interests, which helps economists to influence actively to the historical perspective of the development of their business structure and society as a whole.
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