interactive technologies, active learning methods, professional education, psychological and pedagogical technologies, theoretical English grammarAbstract
Nowadays, in the educational process of a higher education institution, it is necessary to use modern psychological and pedagogical technologies, which provide for the maximum intensification of the education of a student of higher education, because under the condition of his active activity, what he has learned can become an asset of his mind and personal qualities. The purpose of the article is to analyze the most effective interactive teaching methods and implement them in the teaching process of the discipline "Theoretical English Grammar". The article presents an overview of interactive learning methods and educational technologies that can be implemented in the process of studying the specified professional discipline. With active learning, the student of higher education acts as a subject of educational activity to a greater extent than with passive learning, enters into a dialogue with the teacher, takes an active part in the cognitive process, performing creative, searching, problem tasks. Active learning methods have a number of advantages, they allow to activate the learning process, the ability to put forward and formulate ideas; willingness to take justified risks and make non-standard decisions. The teacher acts as an organizer of the learning process, a group leader, a facilitator, and a creator of conditions for the initiative of those seeking higher education. Learning using interactive educational technologies involves a different from the usual logic of the educational process: not from theory to practice, but from the formation of new experience to its theoretical understanding through application. Under the condition of regular use of forms and methods of interactive learning, students of higher education develop productive approaches to mastering information, the fear of making an incorrect assumption disappears. Interactive training increases the motivation of participants in solving the discussed problems, which gives an emotional impetus to their further search activity, prompts them to take specific actions. Possibilities and practical significance of using the specified methods in the system of higher professional education are considered. The use of interactive teaching methods, which include new methods of "teacher-student" interaction, are considered, and innovations in the process of mastering educational material are identified. Both practical classes and lectures can be conducted in an interactive form (problem lecture, lecture-dialogue, lecture-provocation, lecture in pairs and others). The educational process with the use of interactive technologies and methods allows students of higher education to form social interaction, lively communication, and joint decision-making.
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