scientific and research activity, research competence, components of research competence, forms of research activity, model of formation of research competenceAbstract
In the article peculiarities of forming research competence of future pedagogues in institutions of higher education are highlighted, the importance and necessity of ensuring the research aspect of professional training is emphasized. The aim of the article – to characterize structure and peculiarities of forming research competence future pedagogues in modern conditions. In research theoretical analysis of scientific works, synthesis, comparison and generalization of approaches to determining the essence and content of research competence, models of its formation are used; the main forms of scientific research activity of future teachers in higher education institutions are determined. The approaches of scientists to the interpretation of the essence of research competence and directions of the organization of scientific research work, its components and tasks are analyzed. The model of forming research competence based on the integration of scientific research into the educational process of the university. The structure of research competence of lecture of higher education institutions is generalized (motivational-value, cognitive, procedural-activity, information-communication, communicative, personal-creative, professional-reflective components). The leading forms of scientific and research activity, which enable the formation of research competence of future teachers, have been determined. It was concluded that the improvement of the process of formation of research competence will contribute to the training of specialists in the conditions of modernization of the education system. Research materials can be used by managers, teachers of higher education institutions, in the system of postgraduate education of pedagogical personnel in the aspect of improving the training of future teachers. The problem of monitoring the state of formation of research competence of future teachers in institutions of higher education requires further research.
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