local lore, future geography teacher, methodological approach, activity approach, systematic approach, personal approach, technological approach, geographerAbstract
The article describes the methodological approaches to the formation of the local linguistic competence of the future geography teacher in the course of local history tourism. Methodological approaches to the formation of the local linguistic competence of the future geography teacher in the process of local and tourist work, such as activity, system, personal, technological, are determined. Generally, methodological approaches to the formation of local lore play a role to the development of students' positive motivation in professional activity, cognitive abilities, ability to quickly and easily enrich their knowledge through the conscious use of information flows related to current issues and knowledge in the orientation of the educational process. Formation of local lore should be aimed at mastering students’ personal traits that ensure personality-oriented and harmonious development. It is noted that fundamentally new approaches to the political, economic and social progress of the state, insufficient development of local lore and tourism as an effective means of personality formation, acquaintance with the natural and urban environment make the necessity of significant changes in the future geography teachers' professional training. All this actualizes new approaches to vocational training, and in particular, the future geography teacher in the field of tourism. In the course of the conducted research, we have concluded that methodological approaches of formation of local lore competence in the process of future geography teacher's training are one of the main components for scientific substantiation of effective vocational training. The theoretical principles of determining methodological approaches to the formation of the professional and regional competence of the future geography teacher are described.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Inna Rozhi, Oksana Braslavska, Vitalii Honcharuk, Nataliia Horbatiuk

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