
  • Olena Gula Interregional Academy of personnel management



public administration, personnel policy, personnel security, personnel potential, system of public authorities, threats, mechanisms of public administration


The article substantiates that the problems of personnel security in the public administration system are important and timely, as important transformational problems in modern society, reform of the judiciary, constitutional system, decentralization reform, formation of innovative public authorities are related to the human factor. levels of government adopt and implement policies, officials, employees. The quality of such decisions and the quality of such important reforms for the state depend on the quality of human resources. Personnel security, the system of formation of personnel security is often considered by scientists as part of the economic security of the enterprise and is determined taking into account economic categories. Although personnel security is the basis of Ukraine's national security. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the model of the personnel security system of public administration. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the fundamental and modern provisions of the system of public administration, the development of scientific schools of human capital theories of foreign and domestic scientists and specialists in the field of personnel management. To achieve this goal in the work used a set of methods and techniques of scientific knowledge. The method of logical generalization is used to theoretically substantiate the importance of the tasks and clarify the key concepts of the study. Using the methodology of system analysis and synthesis, a study of approaches to the formation of a model of the personnel security system of public administration was conducted. Methods of theoretical generalization, grouping and comparison are used to study the constituent elements of the model of personnel security system of public administration. The author substantiates the innovative model of the personnel security system of public administration. The main elements of this model include: first, personnel policy in the public administration system; secondly, threats to personnel security: physical; financial, intellectual, career, administrative, technological, social, conflict, psychological, informational, image; thirdly, modern mechanisms for ensuring personnel security: organizational, legal, motivational, economic, control, selection; fourth, the Ministry of Human Resources of the Public Administration System in Ukraine; fifth, staff; sixth, civil society institutions.


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Author Biography

Olena Gula, Interregional Academy of personnel management

Postgraduate Student, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID:


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How to Cite

Gula, O. (2021). INNOVATIVE MODEL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL SECURITY SYSTEM. Public Administration and Law Review, (1), 67–72.

