
  • Marian Tokar Augustyn Voloshin's Carpathian University
  • Nataliia Varenia National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine
  • Inna Kulchii National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»



state administration (governance), communication, communication (communicative) interaction, public (social) management, communication behavior, act of communication, communication process, communication partnership


The academic paper considers the issues of substantiation of the application of mechanisms for the implementation of communications in the sphere of public administration and the development of practical recommendations to the authorities to improve their work in this area. The process of forming a communicative interaction  mechanism as a consistent application of legal and organizational measures is based on fundamental principles, purposefulness and application of certain management methods aimed at meeting the information environment and communication needs of the community, the organization of effective functioning of the state. The possibility of improving the processes of formation of public (social) opinion has been considered, using the definition of its main components, which should be taken into account during the implementation of mechanisms of communication. The existing methods of using voluntary mutual communication between community members have been considered, which should be used during the operation of communication mechanisms in the sphere of public administration, namely: mailboxes, Internet access, using of frequently asked questions (FAQ). It has been recommended to pay attention to the following directions: strengthening openness and transparency of work; development and use of the latest mechanisms in interaction with community members and their public organizations; application of the newest methods of studying social and economic and political processes in work, the account and monitoring of opinions of various groups and layers of civil society; strengthening the responsibility of the authorities to the community through the introduction of various types of intersectoral social partnership in solving important problems for the community; achieving the required level of mutual trust, social understanding, integration and consolidation.


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Author Biographies

Marian Tokar, Augustyn Voloshin's Carpathian University

Ph.D. (Historical Sciences), Professor, Director, Augustyn Voloshin's Carpathian University, Research Institute of State Formation and Public Administration, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Nataliia Varenia, National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine

Ph.D. (Law), Аpplicant, National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Inna Kulchii, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

Ph.D. (Public Administration), Associate Professor Department of Public Administration and Law, Department of Public Administration and Law, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic», Poltava, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Tokar, M., Varenia, N., & Kulchii, I. (2020). CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF THE SYSTEM OF MODERN COMMUNICATIONS IN PUBLIC GOVERNANCE. Public Administration and Law Review, (4), 21–33.

