economic security of the state, international experience, state policy, national economic interests, , threats to economic security, public administration, national securityAbstract
In the process of comprehensive development of the country, as an integral part of the world economy, the issue of national security, components of which are the economic, financial, military, information sectors, etc., is very acute. Current trends in globalization processes summarize the requirements and parameters of effective economic development of individual actors in the world economy. Only the positive dynamics of each component will ensure the positive dynamics of the world economy. Ensuring the sustainable development of any industry is impossible without the development and implementation of an independent strategy, which in today's economy is determined by the presence of an effective system of its financial security. The financial component characterizes itself as an internal functional component of its economic security, without exaggeration, is the main, because under market conditions is an important component of any economic system, determines the financial and economic condition of the entity, financial stability, solvency and structure dynamics sources of funding. Ukraine, as a state, is characterized by inexperience of a market economy, it requires the implementation of a number of measures to ensure public financial security. Each component of financial security, in addition to performing the relevant functions, is an integral part of the synergetic system designed to ensure the resilience of the national economy to internal and external negative influences and its effective functioning. The modern dynamics of social processes in Ukraine and the world necessitates the formation of an adequate, effective and economically justified system of protection of national interests and ensuring national (including economic and financial) security. The strategic goal of Ukraine's national security policy is to ensure state sovereignty and territorial integrity, national unity based on the democratic progress of society and the state, respect for human and civil rights and freedoms, creating conditions for dynamic economic growth, ensuring European social standards and welfare. The study analyzed the final act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. The main positions of Ukraine in the ranking of individual components of the competitiveness index are highlighted. Characterized by the national economic interests of the European Union.
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