psychology, non-professional physical training, higher education, physical education, psychological support, pedagogical supportAbstract
In the case of specialties called "civilian", the focus is not on the nature and specificity of official operations using physical qualities, as is the case in the practice of professional physical training, but other approaches. The purpose of the research is to actualize the need and reveal the essence of such an aspect of physical education as non-professional physical education of students. The methods of theoretical research, study and generalization of data from literary sources, abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction are used. An innovative approach to strengthening the educational component of the educational discipline "Physical Culture" in institutions of general secondary education and "Physical Education" in institutions of higher education has been transformed into research and practice in a number of countries. Non-professional physical education is a high level of physical education. The main sign of education is the inclusion of a person in physical activity. In institutions of higher education, this is a pedagogical process that should "close" the long-term withdrawal of youth with physical education. The results of the formation of the theoretical thinking of the projective type necessary for an educated person are foreseen. In the course of such conscious physical education, which is not the same as physical literacy, the values and goals of using physical education in various situations, which are constantly changing, are formed. These are also abilities necessary for creating an image of "myself in the future", designing and implementing systems of own physical education classes. Non-professional physical education of students of civil specialties should contribute to the formation of a person capable of using physical education. Non-professional physical education is singled out as an independent direction, which is determined by the characteristics of the personality of adults: the complexity of organizing reflection, communication, understanding, self-determination of a person and goal setting. The results of the research can be useful and applied in practice by specialists in physical culture and education.
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