


cocoa beans, chocolate product, conching, chemico-physical aspects of conching itself, chocolate coupled with aeration and heat, simple mixing, administration process


From the harvesting of the cocoa beans to the formulation of the final chocolate product many complex changes occur. The properties and behavior of the fat and the dramatic change in flow characteristics are most notable. The purpose of the work is to clarify the relationship between the types, composition, methods of preparation and consumption of chocolate and its impact on human health. In order to achieve the goal, we set the following work tasks: to get acquainted with the history of the origin of chocolate; to investigate the indicators of chocolate quality; evaluate informational, quantitative characteristics of chocolate; to determine the effect of chocolate on the human body, to conduct qualitative reactions to individual chemical substances included in the composition of chocolate. These changes occur in part during the refining process which includes roasting, winnowing, grinding and conching. Most notable in influencing the product is conching which is the agitation of chocolate coupled with aeration and heat. This treatment is a time and energy consuming process but has a remarkable mellowing effect on the flavor and promotes a decrease in viscosity of the final product. The escape of undesirable volatiles derived from oxidative and carbonyl reactions catalyzed by heat and aeration have been implicated. Research methods: study of literary and electronic media, generalization of the material found, sociological survey, chemical experiment, analysis of the obtained results. The physical effects brought about during conching encompass more than a simple mixing. Included, in addition to the chemico-physical aspects of conching itself, are the aspects of the cocoa bean, fermentation and roasting which may influence the product The scientific novelty of the obtained results: qualitative reactions were carried out on individual chemical substances included in the composition of chocolate. The methodological basis of the research is fundamental principles of the system approach, relevant aspects of market and technical research and state regulation of chocolate products studied with application economic-statistical and physico-chemical methods. It is used in the work the following methods of the developed product: statistical, organoleptic, method determination of protein content in the finished product, method of determining the indicator glycemic The composition of chocolate was theoretically investigated. In the perspective of further research, we plan to expand the assortment of porous chocolate due to the creation of new flavors (Ex. porous chocolate with caramel flavor, fruit flavors based on white chocolate mass).


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Author Biography

Olena Zadorozhna, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Ecology and Methods of Teaching,  Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman


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How to Cite

Zadorozhna, O. (2023). CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL METHODS OF CHOCOLATE PROCESSING: ADMINISTRATION PROCESS. Public Administration and Law Review, (3), 16–26.

