human capital, social responsibility, staff, corporate sector, public sectorAbstract
Social responsibility represents such a system of relations in the "state - society - business" system, which involves the search and use of a system of motives and incentives for the private sector (business) to take into account the interests of society in its activities, ensuring compliance with social standards in work with personnel. Functioning in conditions of limited resources, both the state and the corporate sector are forced to use available resources more rationally, in particular, human capital, the level of return of which is currently defined as extremely low in Ukraine. That is why the category of human capital needs additional study. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of human capital as an object of social responsibility of business and government in the context of its influence on the quality of the enterprise, its competitiveness. At the same time, such general research methods as analysis and synthesis were used. In the course of the study, the subjects of public policy were identified, one of which is the corporate sector, which through market mechanisms forms the economy of the state, determines its resource capabilities for carrying out this or that policy. This forces us to combine the efforts of the state and business in order to make more effective management decisions. Such socially responsible behavior encourages rational use of resources, one of which is human capital. The article defines the role of human capital; ratio of human capital categories of the enterprise and individual employees; the quality of human capital, manifested in the ability to innovate, and its impact on the innovativeness of the enterprise; issues of personnel development.
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