interaction, civil society, public policy, public authority, public associations, public opinion, public, state power, communication, interaction mechanisms, partnershipAbstract
The article analyzes the problem of ensuring the effectiveness of the interaction of public authorities with the public, the existing mechanisms of interaction, their characteristics and features of application. Attention is devoted to the regulatory and legal basis of the forms of participation of civil society institutions in the management of state affairs. The values and principles of interaction between the government and the public and the principles of public organization in the formation and implementation of state policy are defined. Various approaches of scientists to the definition of problems of effective cooperation between state authorities and civil society organizations are considered. Modern scientific developments in the interaction of civil society institutions with the state authorities of Ukraine have been revealed. The legal forms of interaction between civil society institutions and the state authorities in Ukraine are defined and disclosed. It is emphasized that public organizations during interaction with state and self-government bodies influence their legitimacy. It is noted that public organizations exercise direct control over the conduct of national and local elections. The relationship between state authorities and the public in the context of crisis phenomena, organizational mechanisms for studying public opinion in order to obtain objective and reliable information is considered. Within the framework of the work, it was noted that today in the implementation of state policy, the objective is the tendency towards the increasing involvement of civil society organizations in the performance of its tasks. In this regard, it was stated that there is a growing need for accessibility, accountability and responsibility of authorities, strengthening of control mechanisms in anti-corruption and other issues sensitive to public opinion. This article draws attention to such threats that may arise in the process of interaction of the above-mentioned subjects as attempts to use public organizations and their potential in political struggle, as well as insufficient financial base, lack of human capital in non-governmental organizations. Important mechanisms of interaction between state authorities and non-governmental organizations are assessed.
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