education policy, education administration, general education system, policy design, policy implementation, education problems, education lawAbstract
Issues of state policy and administration of general education nowadays are becoming quite relevant, both for political-administrative science and political agenda. Academic rhetoric and existing research provide important messages that prevent the seemingly "liberal-democratic" Georgian educational system from functioning effectively and efficiently. The purpose of the research is to study, identify and analyze the problems and challenges related to the education policy and administration in the general education system of Georgia. The objectives of the research are the study of the design of the state policy of general education of Georgia, and the analysis and evaluation of the policy of administration and implementation. Qualitative and quantitative methods of social science research are used in the research. The analysis of documents and the interpretation of quantitative data made the reality of the Georgian general education system more visible, and the expert interviews showed us additional problems that could not be obtained as quantitative data. The research reveals that the institutional design of the general education system of Georgia is full of ambitious values and goals, the implementation and administration process of which is actually unattainable, which causes its facade. The results of the study indicate that the legal and unequal status of students, problems related to minorities, religion, and discrimination, challenges linked to the safety of students and their bio-psycho-social development, low learning results, the outflow of students from the general education system, teachers' competencies and professional Ethical issues whose review, evaluation, analysis, and data interpretation are the main findings of this article.
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