public-private partnership, social entrepreneurship, projectAbstract
The article examines the evolution of the development of public-private partnership in the field of social entrepreneurship. The arguments became the basis for determining the purpose of the research as an analysis of public-private partnership in the process of project implementation in the field of social entrepreneurship. To achieve the goal, the following tasks must be solved: to justify the definition of the concepts "project"; to investigate the evolution of the development of public-private partnership in the field of social entrepreneurship; to present the typology of social entrepreneurship; to investigate public-private partnership in the process of project implementation in the field of social entrepreneurship. When processing the materials, the method of analysis and synthesis was used to determine the essence of the concepts. The method of generalization was used in the part of presenting the typology of social entrepreneurship. The method of formalization and comparison was used to study public-private partnership in the process of implementing projects in the field of social entrepreneurship. A typology of social entrepreneurship has been formed, which consists of three types depending on: motives, goals, methods of achieving goals, the level of integration of social programs and business processes, and the activities of social entrepreneurs. The public-private partnership in the process of implementing projects in the field of social entrepreneurship with the definition of projects of national and regional direction has been studied. This will allow in the future to comprehensively approach the selection of socially significant projects in the field of social entrepreneurship, taking into account their degree of social direction and the degree of influence of the results of project implementation on socio-economic changes in the regions of the country.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Mykyta Kovtun, Natallia Gavkalova, Viktoriia Hryshyna
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