


regional policy, strategy, territorial development, social issues


The article examines theoretical approaches to the formation of territorial development strategies. The purpose of writing the article is to research the principles of forming social development strategies territories, identification of characteristic features of strategies, analysis of their structure and stages of implementation in modern conditions development of Ukraine. The following methods were used to determine the principles of territorial development strategy: the method of cognition (to form the theoretical foundations of determining the essence of public policy, development strategy); comparative analysis (in order to compare the effectiveness of development strategies); abstract-logical (for the formation of theoretical generalizations and formulation of research conclusions); graphical visualization (for the purpose of visualization of results and analysis). The directions of state policy in the development of territorial development strategies have been studied, the characteristic features of the strategies have been identified, their structure has been analyzed, the stages of their formation have been identified, and target orientations have been established. The prerequisites are considered and the principles of territorial development strategy formation are defined, suggestions are provided for improving and normalizing the process of strategic planning of territorial development in modern conditions. Peculiarities of the domestic experience in the development of territorial development strategies have been studied. The main principles of the process of formation and implementation of the state policy of regional development are characterized.


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Author Biographies

Deniss Djakons, ISMA University of Applied Sciences

Dr.oec., Associate Professor, ISMA University of Applied Sciences, Riga, Latvia

Oleksiy Dzenis, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Department of International Economics and Management of Foreign Economic Activity, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Natallia Gavkalova, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Doctor of Science (Public Administration), Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Regional Economy, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Olga Verdenhofa, ISMA University of Applied Sciences

Doctor of Science (Administration), Assoc. Professor, Vice President, ISMA University of Applied Sciences, Riga, Latvia

Viktoriia Riaschenko, ISMA Graduate School of Information Systems Management

Dr.oec., Professor, ISMA Graduate School of Information Systems Management, Riga, Latvia


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How to Cite

Djakons, D., Dzenis, O., Gavkalova, N., Verdenhofa, O., & Riaschenko, V. (2022). STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS. Public Administration and Law Review, (3), 13–23.

