public administration, public administration system, decentralization, stabilization, martial law, securityAbstract
The article analyzes the problematic issues of stabilization of the public administration system. The purpose of the article is to analyze the system of public administration in Ukraine, taking into account the results of decentralization changes, optimization of the system, as well as during martial law in the country. The public administration system has a number of problems affecting its stabilization. The purpose of the article is to analyze these problems and point out possible ways to solve them. To analyze the current state of the public administration system in Ukraine, a comparative method, the method of analysis, synthesis, and a systematic approach were applied. Were used the method of public administration in a crisis for the analysis of crisis situations and extrapolation methods for predicting the development of the public administration system in Ukraine. The method of formal-logical analysis of legal frameworks, in particular the implementation and regulatory support of decentralization processes in the public administration system, was used. In particular, the influence of destabilizing factors on the economic, social, and administrative spheres of the state is analyzed. A number of problematic issues of the public administration system are identified and recommendations are given for their possible reduction or elimination. The issues of destabilization of the public administration system in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine are partially disclosed. The issues of the consequences and prospects of decentralization processes and reforms carried out in the field of public administration are analyzed. The article uses the method of public administration in a crisis, extrapolation methods for predicting the development of the public administration system in Ukraine and a systematic approach as the basis of the study. The issues of personnel training problems in the system of public administration of Ukraine are analyzed separately.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Marta Karpa, Oleksandr Akimov, Taras Kitsak

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