metaphor, psychological counseling, parenting counseling, refugees, children with impaired mental and physical developmentAbstract
The aim of the article is to present the method of metaphor as a modern effective method that activates neurodynamic mechanisms of personality`s reflection of actual life events and possibility of using various metaphor options in psychological counselling for Ukrainians with children with abnormal development, who fled from war.
The use of metaphors allows a psychologist to safely provide appropriate information to the client and gently offer a solution of issues. This is what makes it possible to use a metaphor in psychological counselling. The authors propose to regard the metaphor as a means of obtaining information about the peculiarities of the relationship in the “Parents-Child” system. Depending on the content of the family life situation, metaphors can perform expressive, dissociative, diagnostic, explanatory functions. They are used in individual or group psychological counselling in several options: reading and discussing metaphors (expressed in parables, instructive stories, etc.) together with parents; discussing drawing with metaphors; working with metaphoric cards. The article gives examples of metaphors and includes factual information for psychologists at the end. Thus, metaphor usage by psychologist follows the counselling of parents of children with abnormal development from the moment of data collection to implementation of the last behavioral check of clinical intervention.
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