Collective agreement as a means of ensuring the stability of the enterprise in martial law




collective agreement, functions of the collective agreement, sustainable development, martial law


The article is devoted to the study of the dual legal nature of the collective agreement (contract and local regulatory act), which allows it to influence the sustainable development of the enterprise and its employees. It is substantiated that the collective agreement has the function of ensuring sustainable development, which manifests itself both with the positive dynamics of enterprise development and in conditions of turbulence. Its manifestations are considered in both cases. The article is aimed at clarifying such a function of the collective agreement as  ensuring the sustainable development of the enterprise and its implementation under martial law, forming proposals for improving the legal regulation of the collective agreement in emergency conditions. The methodological basis of the study is philosophical (analytical and dialectical for determining the nature of the collective agreement and outlining its function to ensure the sustainability of the enterprise, determining its action under martial law), general science (axiomatic and hypotecodeductive methods for formulating the conclusions of this study), special legal methods (technical and legal method is used to identify purely legal significance.  legal acts, and the method of legal modeling is used in formulating proposals for improving the current legislation). It is proved that in conditions of martial law, the function of the collective agreement on ensuring sustainable development is manifested in the possibility of suspending the provisions of the collective agreement, which establish additional, in comparison with the current legislation and guarantee agreements, social and household benefits to employees, as well as those that are suspended for the period of martial law in the legislative order.  commission appointed by order of the head of the enterprise. The legal form of suspension of certain provisions of the collective agreement can be both an additional agreement and an order of the head of the enterprise.


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Author Biographies

Vitalii Oliukha, Institute of Economic and Legal Research named after V.K. Mamutov

Doctor of Science (Law), Associate Professor, leading researcher of the department of economic and legal research of economic security issues, State Institution “Institute of Economic and Legal Research named after V.K. Mamutov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine", Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

Dmytro Melnychuk, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Social Welfare, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

Vira Shepeliuk, Kryvyi Rih National University

Ph.D. (Economics), Associative Professor, Associative Professor of the Department of Accounting, Taxation, Public Government and Administration, Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Oliukha, V., Melnychuk, D., & Shepeliuk, V. (2022). Collective agreement as a means of ensuring the stability of the enterprise in martial law. Public Administration and Law Review, (1), 27–36.

