decentralization of power, state, democracy, democratic governance, civic society, local self-governmentAbstract
Theoretical aspects of decentralization as foundation of establishment of democratic model of governance are analyzed in the article. The aim of the article is a comprehensive scientific analysis of the nature of decentralization of power as a mechanism for limiting state power in the context of democratic transformation to provide practical recommendations for further decentralization reform in Ukraine. To this end, the following tasks are set: to highlight the features of the reform of decentralization of public power in a democratic transformation; to offer practical recommendations on the optimization of executive bodies and the expansion of local self-government bodies power in the process of carrying out the constitutional reform in Ukraine. The theoretical basis of the paper are the scientific works of foreign and domestic experts in the field of theory of state and law, constitutional law, administrative law. Such general scientific methods as: logical method, forecasting method, historical method and others are used in the research. The analysis of the category "decentralization of power" was also carried out using a logical method, which revealed the objective patterns of development of this phenomenon in legal science and state-building practice, as well as to determine the characteristics of decentralization of public power. The comparative legal method helped to find the ways to improve the current legislation on the decentralization of public power in the unitary state. In turn, using the method of legal modeling, conclusions are proposed and substantiated aimed at improving the current legislation on the decentralization of public power, as the basis for the formation of civil society. Importance of implementation of the reform of power decentralization for the development of Ukraine as a democratic constitutional state is proved. The legislative framework for the implementation of the reform of decentralization of power is analyzed. The author investigates the problems of decentralization in Ukraine, determines the advantages of decentralized management and possible risks. A conclusion demonstrates that implementation of processes of decentralization will facilitate democracy strengthening and increase its stability.
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