poisonous substances, drastic substances, toxicology, classification of substances, effect on the human bodyAbstract
This article provides brief information about the legal and medical aspects of the terminology. As for the legal aspect of the matter, such a subject of the crime under Art. 321 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine as poisonous (drastic) substances has been revealed in conjunction with the medical aspects of poisonous and drastic substances. The basic concepts of toxicology have been also revealed, modern classifications of poisonous and drastic substances have been given. Possible threats to the human body from exposure to poisonous and drastic substances, criteria for their evaluation to prevent the occurrence of undesirable toxic effects on the human body have been shown. The purpose of the article is to study the legal and medical aspects of terminology on poisonous and potential substances in accordance with Article 321 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The author used system method of scientific research, as well as method of analysis and synthesis. The urgent need for further study of this issue by representatives of various sciences has been proved. Interdisciplinary cooperation will contribute to the harmonization of the relevant provisions of criminal law. Within the framework of an interdisciplinary approach, the interaction among physicians, toxicologists, and clinical pharmacologists will promote better diagnostic, treatment, and prevention of these clinical conditions, increase the safety of poisonous and drastic substances use, and prevent serious consequences for human health.
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