Pedagogy and education management review 2023-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Iryna Mihus Open Journal Systems <p><strong>e-ISSN 2733-2039</strong></p> <p><strong>print-ISSN 2733-2144</strong></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The publisher of the </span><strong>«</strong><strong>PEDAGOGY AND EDUCATION MANAGEMENT REVIEW</strong><strong>» </strong>is <strong>Scientific Center of Innovative Research</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> </span><strong>OÜ </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">(Tallinn, Estonia).</span></p> <p><strong>Publication frequency:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> quarterly (March, June, September, December)</span></p> <p><strong>Languages of edition:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> English</span></p> <p><strong><em>International databases and catalogs that index the publication:</em></strong></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">- </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">CrossRef (DOI: 10.36690)</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">;</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">- <a href="[]=MUST=allissnbis=%222733-2039%22&amp;search_id=8009510" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN International Centre;</a></span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">-</span><a title="Google Scholar" href=";view_op=list_works&amp;authuser=5&amp;gmla=AJsN-F7diZp6i8bi141UVJ5nWU7QkIe5Is_o4Diq7ZN2fEsbNXp8BxrN4f7IlRrrHerMSBFQxKi3L60gwD1kcPe-MRcKS1GZ94_ik7dZUbupHBRzsgrZEHMuODI0vTosSqfbD_VpGmmW&amp;user=Cvy3lxAAAAAJ" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Google Scholar</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">;</span></a></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">- </span><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="font-weight: 400;">National Library of Estonia;</span></a></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">- <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">PKP-Index;</a></span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">- <a href="">Eurasian Scientific <span class="z2">Journal</span> Index</a>;</span></p> <p>- <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Academic Recourse Index (ResearchBib);</a></p> <p>- <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Advanced Science Index (Germany)</a>;</p> <p>- <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ICI World of Journals (Poland);</a></p> <p>- <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Open Ukrainian Citation Index (Ukraine);</a></p> <p>- <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Directory of Research Journals Indexing (India)</a><a href="">;</a></p> <p>- <a href=";fv0=10.36690%252F2733-2039-2020&amp;size=10&amp;sortBy=&amp;qf=false&amp;instancetypename=%22Article%22&amp;active=result" target="_blank" rel="noopener">OpenAIRE</a></p> IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PRINCIPLES OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY IN THE EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC ENVIRONMENT OF THE KYIV NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN 2023-12-18T18:40:11+02:00 Olena Roik Galina Kuzmina <p><em>Implementation of the principles of academic integrity in the educational and scientific environment of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design (KNUTD) requires a comprehensive approach, which involves clear methodological recommendations, educational programs and institutional support. KNUTD strives to develop a culture of academic integrity, ensuring that students, teachers and researchers adhere to ethical standards in their educational and scientific activities. This involves preventing plagiarism, promoting honest research methods and fostering a sense of responsibility and integrity in the academic community. The purpose of this article is to provide an example, improve practical approaches, generalize and popularize the system of implementation of the provisions of academic integrity that promote academic integrity among higher education students, postgraduate students, and academic staff of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design. The main task of the research is to create an environment where academic integrity is valued, understood, and practiced by all members of the university community by enhancing the quality of education, research, and scholarship while maintaining the highest ethical standards. The research methodology consists in the study of normative documents of Ukraine and internal regulations of KNUTD on issues of academic integrity. The main directions for achieving the set goal should be: policy development (development of a clear policy of academic integrity and codes of conduct that define plagiarism, plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct, outline the consequences for violations and ensure a fair and transparent disciplinary process); educational programs (Integrating academic integrity into the educational process, including modules on proper citation, research ethics, and the consequences of academic misconduct); technological integration (implementation of plagiarism detection tools to detect and prevent plagiarism in academic tasks and research papers); institutional support (establishment of an academic integrity office or committee to oversee policy implementation and review reported cases); ongoing evaluation (regular evaluation of the effectiveness of academic integrity programs through surveys, feedback mechanisms, and case studies).</em></p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CLASSIFICATION OF WEB RESOURCES IN THE MODERN INFORMATION SOCIETY 2023-12-18T22:25:16+02:00 Vitalii Honcharuk Andrii Maksiutov <p><em>The article substantiates some features of the classification of web resources in the modern information society. The purpose of web resources is to strengthen intellectual capabilities in the information society, as well as to improve the quality of education at all levels of the educational system. </em><em>To ensure the objectivity and comprehensiveness of the research, a complex of general scientific and pedagogical methods was used, including: analysis of the literature on the researched problem to determine the state of its development and research prospects; comparison to study the points of view of different scientists; systematization and generalization for conclusions; observation of the educational process. </em><em>The use of educational web technologies is highlighted and the purpose of using web resources is analyzed. The main pedagogical goals of using web resources are highlighted. It is shown by which features digital educational resources (DER) can be described. It is clarified that information technologies are a condition for the development and use of digital educational resources. It is emphasized that the purpose of using web resources is to strengthen intellectual capabilities in the information society, as well as to improve the quality of education at all stages of the educational system.</em><em> We</em><em> considered the classification of digital educational resources. It was noted that they can be described according to the following characteristics: according to functional classification; based on the materials of scientific publications; by structure; according to the organization of the text; according to the nature of the source data; according to the intended purpose; by user group; by the availability of a printing equivalent; by information type; by the degree of didactic provision; by educational and methodical functions; by the nature of user interaction; by distribution technology and depending on the form of ownership.</em> <em>Note that the digital revolution will continue to fundamentally change the way citizens live, work and study. The spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship in education and training must be stimulated and supported by clear political will and efforts to bring innovation into everyone's lives. Innovative practices need to be shared, discussed and disseminated.</em> <em>In the context of new approaches, which also include a digital learning environment, thanks to the digital participation of both teachers and students, they should be constantly interested in improving courses and curricula, self-awareness of the need for continuous training in digital literacy, which will greatly contribute to the transformation of digital universities.</em></p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE CONCEPTS OF QUALITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN GENERAL AND HIGHER EDUCATION 2023-12-19T01:15:07+02:00 Dennis Soltys <p><em>This article presents three measures of educational quality and six types of accountability, noting that these terms are complex and often contradictory.&nbsp; These terms are often used uncritically, with the result that educational policies following from them are misconceived or simply drift. For educational policies to be sound, they must be based on a clear use of terms and on a sound understanding of desired objectives. These objectives are matters both of stakeholders’ preferences and politics.&nbsp; The subjective and political nature of educational policies should be recognized, so that there can be formed an explicit basis for and consensus around appropriate educational objectives. The purpose of this article is to bring clarity to the common concepts of quality and accountability in education, so that educational policies may be better informed. The methodological basis of the research is the methods of comparative analysis of scientific research in the field of social and natural sciences, the authors of which investigated human, social and cultural capital. The educational establishments of all countries need from time to time to deeply re-examine certain operative concepts.&nbsp; In this regard, an informed consensus needs to be reached about the multidimensional and sometimes contradictory notions of quality and accountability.&nbsp; Habit and drift are not helpful to educational policy; instead, educational values and goals should be actively discussed and clarified in broad national discussions, comprising all major interested parties. A good educational system is ultimately a civic achievement, set within a community of informed and interested stakeholders.</em></p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 USE OF THE ORIGINAL OLEKSA VOROPAI HERITAGE IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN UKRAINIAN STUDIES PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH 2023-12-19T00:36:42+02:00 Oksana Tsyhanok Oleksandr Sanivskyi <p><em>The Ukrainian studies training of the future philology teacher provides one of the integral places, after which it is the basis of national education, the first step in acquiring the profession of a teacher.</em> <em>Throughout its existence, the Ukrainian people created outstanding examples of spiritual and material art, which entered the treasury of world culture. They reflected the worldview of the nation, its artistic thinking, philosophy, and pedagogy. Therefore, it is essential to involve philology students in Ukrainian folk culture, educate them in the best traditions, and train the new national school teachers.</em> <em>The purpose of this article is to</em><em> reveal the essence of the Ukrainian studies training of the future philology teacher for Ukrainian folk culture and traditions.</em> <em>To ensure the objectivity and comprehensiveness of the research, a complex of general scientific and pedagogical methods was used, including: analysis of the literature on the researched problem to determine the state of its development and research prospects; comparison to study the points of view of different scientists; systematization and generalization for conclusions; observation of the educational process.</em> <em>In the conditions of the reform and development of education in Ukraine, the problem of schooling, and the formation of higher education in Ukraine at the beginning of the 21st century requires a theoretical and practical solution.</em> <em>In this regard, the conceptual views of prominent figures of Ukraine regarding the development of education in the period under study, as well as a certain experience in the development of schooling and higher education, are of great importance. </em></p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND EDUCATION OF FUTURE BIOLOGY TEACHERS 2023-10-01T18:19:35+03:00 Svitlana Liulenko Vitalii Honcharuk Roman Podzerei <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The article reviews and analyzes the state of environmental education and upbringing of future biology teachers. </em><em>The purpose of the article is to establish the role of economic education in the education of future teachers of biology. </em><em>To test the research hypothesis, various methods were used: conversation, observation, survey, questionnaire, methods of mathematical statistics for quantitative and qualitative analysis of experimental data, determination of the reliability of the results.</em> <em>The methodological basis for revealing the essence of the state of environmental education and upbringing of future biology teachers at the present stage of society's development is based on various approaches and principles.</em> <em>The necessity of improving and saturating the content of the educational process with environmental material and creating appropriate conditions for the environmental education of future biology teachers is proved. Environmental education and upbringing are becoming the core of modern education and serve as a key to the restructuring of its modern systems and society as a whole. The role of environmental education as the basis of a new morality and a support for solving numerous issues of people's practical life is especially relevant.</em><em>The basic principles of environmental education and upbringing of future biology teachers are revealed, such as: the principle of practical orientation, the principle of continuity and consistency, the principle of activity and consciousness, the principle of nature correspondence, the principle of interdisciplinarity. The main approaches to the development of environmental education and upbringing are highlighted: natural science, naturalistic, global-biospheric, problematic, and value-based. The current state of development of environmental education and upbringing is characterized by the search for new ways of cooperation between teachers and students, during which the latter become initiative, independent and creative individuals.</em></p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FORMATION OF SOFT SKILLS IN FUTURE TEACHERS AS A CONDITION FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TEACHER'S PROFESSIONAL STANDARD 2023-12-19T00:54:00+02:00 Natalka Dudnyk Nataliia Bezliudna <p><em>Soft skills play a leading role in student education, which is why their development in future teachers requires reflection in professional standards. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need for the formation of soft skills in future teachers in the conditions of the implementation of the teacher's professional standard. To test the research hypothesis, various methods were used: conversation, observation, survey, questionnaire, methods of mathematical statistics for quantitative and qualitative analysis of experimental data, determination of the reliability of the results. The authors of the article considered options for the organization of educational activities of future teachers regarding the formation of soft skills as a condition for the implementation of the teacher's professional standard. The professional standard of the teacher was considered and a number of competencies were singled out, the formation of which depends on the development of soft skills. The results of the survey of teachers, education seekers and stakeholders regarding the problem of soft skills formation were analyzed and difficulties in their formation were revealed. A map of the development of soft skills in pedagogy classes is proposed, in particular, the potential of using the "inverted classroom" model as one of the advanced technologies for building the educational process is revealed.</em></p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ECOLOGICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH ON AIR POLLUTION OF UKRAINIANS 2023-12-19T00:24:27+02:00 Vladyslav Parakhnenko Vitalii Honcharuk <p><em>The possibilities of human impact on nature are constantly growing and have already reached a level where humans can devastate the planet, destroy all living beings, and completely alter the climate. High levels of pollution are characteristic of areas around regional centers in Ukraine, especially in the suburban zone of industrially developed Kyiv. The higher the pollution level, the greater the risk to the health of the population and the state of the environment. Long-term pollution of the atmospheric air with sulfur dioxide, carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides, and other harmful substances negatively affects human health. This can result in an increase in overall morbidity caused by damage to specific organs and body systems, such as respiratory diseases (pneumonia, bronchial asthma, and other non-specific lung diseases) and cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, myocardial infarction, chronic diseases, etc.). The purpose of the article is to identify negative factors that affect the worsening of the environmental situation in the country and individual regions. The main task of my work is the analysis of negative changes in the ecological state of Boyarka and advocacy of possible ways to improve the ecological situation in the city. This study also shows the importance of chemistry as a science in the understanding and development of current environmental problems of our time. On the basis of a systemic approach, the tasks of creating ecologically safe living conditions for the population of suburban areas of the city were solved by conducting noise protection measures. Experimental studies were carried out using modern acoustic measuring devices "Octava-101" and "Ekofizika-Octava". Data processing involved the use of mathematical statistical methods. Mathematical and statistical methods were used to assess the reliability of experimental results. The main results of the article were the measures (economic, legal, urban planning, etc.) to solve the environmental problems of the city of Boyarka.</em></p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024