Public Administration and Law Review <p>PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LAW REVIEW (PALR) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on public administration and law in the form of scholarly articles for the world.</p> <p>PALR practices a policy of open access to published content, upholding the principles of free dissemination of scientific information and global knowledge sharing for general social progress.</p> <p>PALR focuses on research that has a high level of scientific validation of the findings and presents new important information for a wide scientific community.</p> Scientific Center of Innovative Research OÜ en-US Public Administration and Law Review 2733-211X COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF INHERITANCE LEGISLATION IN UKRAINE AND POLAND: CIVIL AND TAX ASPECTS <p><em>This comprehensive study delves into the inheritance laws of Ukraine and Poland, shedding light on their common features and distinguishing factors. In an era of increasing cross-border estates and globalized family structures, understanding the intricacies of inheritance laws in these two nations is of paramount importance. The analysis begins by exploring shared legal terminology and concepts, such as "testament," "intestate succession," and the emphasis on family and kinship in determining inheritance rights. Both countries provide provisions for disinheritance under specific circumstances and establish succession rights for spouses and children, underscoring the significance of familial relationships. However, significant disparities emerge in several key areas. Variations in inheritance taxation structures are evident, with Ukraine employing preferential tax rates for close relatives, while Poland bases taxation on asset value. Formalities for creating valid wills diverge; Ukraine allows for simple handwritten wills, while Poland demands more formal notarial requirements. Ukraine's forced heirship provisions safeguard certain family members' minimum entitlement to the estate, a contrast to Poland's absence of strict forced heirship. The study underlines the influence of socio-economic factors, with Ukraine's post-Soviet heritage and Poland's transition from communism shaping their respective legal landscapes. It offers crucial policy recommendations, including the harmonization of inheritance taxation structures, balanced forced heirship provisions, and guidelines for cross-border estate planning. In an increasingly interconnected world, the need to harmonize inheritance laws becomes evident, ensuring fairness, predictability, and the protection of individual and familial interests. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of inheritance laws in Ukraine and Poland, providing valuable insights for individuals, legal practitioners, and policymakers navigating cross-border estate planning and succession cases.</em></p> Marian Yunatskyi Vira Shepeliuk Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 4 46 56 10.36690/2674-5216-2023-4-46-56 STATE POLICY OF SUPPORTING WAR VETERANS IN THE ACTIVE PHASE OF COMBATS IN UKRAINE <p><em>The article analyzes the state policy of supporting war veterans in Ukraine in the active phase of hostilities, prospects for the introduction of new mechanisms, problems of providing for veterans and ways to solve them. Among the main problems that currently exist in Ukraine:</em> <em>failure to identify the real needs of veterans and members of their families, as well as their dramatic changes since the full-scale invasion; ignorance by veterans and members of their families about opportunities from the state, budgetary institutions, and international organizations; support for veterans is organized as a system of payments and benefits, for which veterans must apply separately.</em> <em>The purpose of the article is to analyze the state policy of supporting war veterans in Ukraine in the active phase of hostilities, prospects for the introduction of new mechanisms, problems of providing for veterans and ways to solve them.&nbsp; Methods of analysis and synthesis were used (in the study of the system of medical and social support for combatants in Ukraine); theoretical methods - a systematic approach (analysis of state policy to solve problems in the field of medical, physical and psychological rehabilitation of combatants); empirical methods - comparison (experience in the field of managing medical and social support for combatants was analyzed). The key priorities of the Ministry of Veterans are summarized, including: rehabilitation and return of veterans to normal life; memory and respect; resocialization. The system of social protection, healthcare, psychological rehabilitation and socialization of war veterans, which need improvement, has been partially revealed.</em></p> Marta Karpa Oleksandr Akimov Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 4 4 10 10.36690/2674-5216-2023-4-4-10 ASSESSMENT OF PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE AND MOTIVATION OF CIVIL SERVANTS IN UKRAINE: THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION DIMENSION (BASED ON THE EXPERIENCE OF POLAND) <p><em>Despite the significance of scientific developments of researchers who have studied various components of the evaluation of the professional performance of public servants in accordance with the tasks and topics of their own research, the problem of evaluating the professional performance of public servants in the context of modern changes in the legal framework for conducting various evaluation procedures (competitive selection, annual performance evaluation of public servants) and increasing requirements for the professional competence of public servants in the European integration context. </em><em>The purpose of the study is to substantiate the theoretical provisions of the evaluation of professional performance of public servants with regard to the European integration experience. To achieve mentioned goal, the authors used general scientific and special methods of theoretical and empirical research such as a review of the scientific literature on the topic of the study, terminological and statistical analysis, and the method of comparative analysis and synthesis. The article outlining the importance of studying the issue of assessing the professional performance of public servants in the European integration period for Ukraine. The authors’ analyzes the scientific research on the topic. It is determined that the importance of solving the problem of evaluation is confirmed by the low number of legal acts. The article examines the experience of the Republic of Poland in organizing civil service within the framework of European integration processes. The study found that, in addition to assessing the performance of employees, the state should also guarantee fair and equitable remuneration for professional activities. The most important factor in professional activity is motivation of civil servants, which is a performance-based incentive that engages employees in effective work to achieve the enterprise's goals and their social benefit by meeting the needs, values, and requests of each employee individually. Creating the right incentive environment is typically a strategic task for an organization. It is the motivation of civil servants that forms a stable, holistic system of values and interests. The article identifies a number of factors that impede the European integration of Ukraine's public sector. The results of the study provide recommendations for improving the assessment and motivation of professional activities of Ukrainian public servants.</em></p> Oleksandr Shevchenko Oleksiy Testoyedov Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 4 11 17 10.36690/2674-5216-2023-4-11-17 SPECIFIC FEATURES OF GOVERNMENT REGULATION OF UKRAINE’S AGRICULTURE SECTOR WITHIN MARTIAL LAW <p><em>The article reinforces the significance of scientific research through the complications of effective state regulation of Ukraine's agricultural sector, both during martial law and in the context of ensuring its long-term development in the post-war period. The fundamental concept of state regulation of the agricultural sector has been characterized. It has been discovered that, in the context of modern social changes, state regulation should act as a mediator in the relationships between the State, economic entities, and the population. </em><em>Due to the aforementioned, the main purpose of the article is to establish the objective need for state regulation of Ukraine's agricultural sector in general, alongside the particulars of its implementation under martial law. </em><em>For the determination of this aim, the following research methods were used: supervision, abstraction, scientific generalization and economic evaluation, that gave an opportunity to set forth conclusion. As a result, one of the most fundamental issues for the agricultural sector is determining the optimal combination of state regulation and self-regulation in practice. It is established that the state regulation of the agrarian sector in Ukraine under martial law has its own peculiarities related to the need to ensure national security and the responsibility to provide food for the population. To attain this objective, the author identifies the main points of vulnerability of Ukraine's agricultural sector under martial law and considers agricultural state regulation measures used to mitigate the negative impact of martial law on the state of the agricultural sector in 2023. The research concluded that, in addition to focusing on immediate problems, Ukraine's agricultural sector requires immediate attention and the creation of a long-term strategy for its future development. Furthermore, the following are the main areas of ensuring sustainable development of the agricultural sector in the post-war period: restoration of human capital and development of agricultural sector human potential; intensification of investment activity and maximum attraction of direct and indirect financial measures aimed at supporting farmers' economic activities; technological development and gradual restoration of technical capabilities for agricultural sector.</em></p> Igor Konovalchuk Victor Kovalоv Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 4 18 25 10.36690/2674-5216-2023-4-18-25 THE DEVELOPMENT OF ECOLOGICAL THINKING IN PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES AND ENSURING THE FUNCTIONING OF THE ECONOMY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION <p><em>The deterioration of the majority of ecosystems in the biosphere, significant reduction in bioproductivity and biodiversity, catastrophic depletion of soils and mineral resources due to unprecedented pollution of the Earth's surface, hydrosphere, and atmosphere, are all linked to the intensive growth of the global population and the development of scientific and technological progress over the past 50 years. The necessity to meet the ever-increasing needs of human society has led to a tremendous expansion of economic activities, changes in the proportions of the world economy, production capacities, techniques, and technologies, as well as the variety of products and consumption patterns. The production and consumption models that have emerged in the world no longer correspond to the conditions of sustainable coexistence between humans and nature. The analysis of the state of the natural environment indicates that in recent years, there have been no significant positive shifts in the ecological situation, and in some areas, it has even worsened. The high concentration of industry and agriculture, along with ecologically unjustified economic activities, have made Ukraine one of the most environmentally troubled countries in Europe. The situation was significantly exacerbated by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident and the armed conflict in Ukraine. The aim of the article is to develop of ecological thinking involves aligning human practical activities with the laws of nature and ensuring that the economy operates in accordance with the requirements of environmental preservation. The study of human ecology is an interdisciplinary science that focuses on a clearly defined and specific set of issues. In its research, it utilizes both general scientific methods (grounded in philosophical and general scientific principles) and specific methods (characteristic of certain fields of scientific activity). General scientific methods include empirical research methods (observation, measurement, comparison) and empirical-theoretical methods (abstraction, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, modeling) as well as theoretical methods (ascending from abstract to concrete, forecasting, systematic approach). The most specific method used in the study of human ecology is anthropoecological monitoring, a system of observations of changes in human life processes in connection with environmental factors' impact on them. It also involves monitoring and evaluating environmental conditions that negatively affect population health and contribute to the spread of diseases. The article systematizes the main threats to economic security in Ukraine and describes their main consequences. In further research, the author's efforts will be focused on the development of measures to neutralize the impact of these threats on the ecological security of Ukraine.</em></p> Vitalii Honcharuk Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 4 26 45 10.36690/2674-5216-2023-4-26-45 DEVELOPMENT OF NON-PROFESSIONAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION AMONG STUDENTS: LITERATURE REVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT <p><em>In the case of specialties called "civilian", the focus is not on the nature and specificity of official operations using physical qualities, as is the case in the practice of professional physical training, but other approaches. The purpose of the research is to actualize the need and reveal the essence of such an aspect of physical education as non-professional physical education of students. The methods of theoretical research, study and generalization of data from literary sources, abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction are used. An innovative approach to strengthening the educational component of the educational discipline "Physical Culture" in institutions of general secondary education and "Physical Education" in institutions of higher education has been transformed into research and practice in a number of countries. Non-professional physical education is a high level of physical education. The main sign of education is the inclusion of a person in physical activity. In institutions of higher education, this is a pedagogical process that should "close" the long-term withdrawal of youth with physical education. The results of the formation of the theoretical thinking of the projective type necessary for an educated person are foreseen. In the course of such conscious physical education, which is not the same as physical literacy, the values and goals of using physical education in various situations, which are constantly changing, are formed. These are also abilities necessary for creating an image of "myself in the future", designing and implementing systems of own physical education classes. Non-professional physical education of students of civil specialties should contribute to the formation of a person capable of using physical education. Non-professional physical education is singled out as an independent direction, which is determined by the characteristics of the personality of adults: the complexity of organizing reflection, communication, understanding, self-determination of a person and goal setting. The results of the research can be useful and applied in practice by specialists in physical culture and education.</em></p> Volodymyr Prikhodko Oleksii Sheviakov Iryna Burlakova Yanina Slavska Oleksii Cherednichenko Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 4 57 69 10.36690/2674-5216-2023-4-57-69