Peculiarities of the manifestation of depression in narcissistic individuals




depression, depressiveness, depressive manifestations, narcissism


Modern psychology regards narcissism as one of the greatest problems of personality. Although narcissistic traits are characteristic of all people, they are considered normal only when they do not acquire a leading role in personality functioning. A person with narcissistic disorder has formed an image of an ideal self; moreover, their defense mechanisms are aimed at preserving this image from criticism by others and from their own awareness of it as flawed and imperfect. In psychology today, narcissistic personality disorder is a mental illness characterized by a lack of compassion, a willingness to use others, and a heightened sense of self-importance. And in popular discourse, narcissism is a commonly used term for egoistic behavior. Narcissistic people are also characterized by excessive self-love, preoccupation with success, and emotional instability. The aim of the research is to theoretically investigate and empirically verify the relationship between depression and the level of narcissism of a personality. Also hypothesized: it is likely that there is a relationship between the level of narcissism of the personality and its propensity to a depressive state associated with the unsatisfied needs for recognition, respect and love; assume that individuals with medium and high levels of narcissism will show aggression and sensitivity, which will lead to depressive states of different levels. The methodology of this study involves the use of general scientific (induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, generalization) and special (questionnaires; graphic, tabular) research methods to achieve this goal. Considering different approaches to the study of depression in the context of narcissism in domestic and foreign scientists, it is decided to rely on the understanding of depression by N. McWilliams, who identified the concept of depression as a state and depression as a character trait. This understanding of depression provides a broad understanding of the phenomenon. In particular, depressive manifestations include: a tendency to periodically exhibit chronic depressed mood, negative self-esteem, negative perceptions of the past and future, as well as deterioration of physical health.


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Author Biographies

Halyna Katolyk, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs

Doctor of Sciences (Psycholog)y, Associate professor, Professor of Practical Psychology Department Institute of Management, Psychology, and Security; Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine

Zinaida Zhyvko, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor of Management Department Institute of Management, Psychology, and Security; Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine

Halyna Odyntsova, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs

Ph.D. (Psychology), Head of the chair of Practical Psychology De0partment Institute of Management, Psychology, and Security; Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Katolyk, H., Zhyvko, Z., & Odyntsova, H. (2022). Peculiarities of the manifestation of depression in narcissistic individuals. Public Administration and Law Review, (1), 37–48.

